Friday, December 4, 2020

Some things to do with holiday season leftovers

Got a lot of stuff leftover from your holiday feasts? I think you do, or you will... here are some things you can do with that sort of thing. How about.... turkee burrito- I used my fake turkee, I took mashed potatoes and added jalapeno and fried it up, mixed salsa with cranberry sauce (not too sweet plz.) and stirred gravy into some cooked smashed beans. All in all that was pretty good in a tortilla, even better deep frying the sucker!

BTW if you want to make seitan or tofu taste a bit turkey-ish when you cook or bake it- sage, smoky salt or liquid smoke, bay leaf and a little nutmeg pretty much do the trick there.
I also made enchiladas, with once again the fake turkee... this time I made a scratch vegan kreem cheez (blended tofu, oil, salt, lemon juice, vinegar, a little mustard and a little nutritional yeast)... so turkee, vegan kreem cheeze, roasted pepper strips and chiles, sauteed onions, crumbled up cornbread stuffing and salsa... you could use cranberry salsa again, made by mixing a not too sweet whole cranberry sauce and your regular salsa together.

It turned out great as a filling, on top I did red enchilada sauce and gravy together in kind of a zig zag application and 'twas very nice.

Cranberry salsa for your enjoyment...

Tamales with leftovers would be another good suggestion, going in that same theme. Or on a pizza.... turkee and mashed potato fritters in a pita with cranberry sauce and other accoutrements would also be good. 
My friend made something similar to latkes with leftovers from a meal they had bought from me, mixing mashed potatoes and chopped cheezy brussels sprouts with a bit of stuffing to make those.
Anyway, hey leftovers are your friend!

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