Monday, June 3, 2019

Savory oatmeal

Always a good one!

1/2 C. of those burly Irish oats
2 C. favorite broth
1/2 C. diced onion
chopped or minced serrano chile to taste
salt and pepper to taste
1 C. chopped kale
8-10 quartered, stemmed strawberries
a little coconut or olive oil

Bring the oats and broth with a bit of salt and pepper to a simmer then lower heat, cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, saute chiles and onions in a bit of oil with a pinch of salt until onions are browned.
Just before your oats are done, add in the kale and cook for about 1 minute. Remove from heat and stir in everything else.
Good garnishes include: toasted flax seeds, cilantro, grilled pineapple, smoked eggplant, vegan sausage, roasted red peppers, marinated artichokes, toasted nuts and oh so much more!

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