Sunday, September 21, 2014

And Don't Forget...

A few months ago, we came out with
"This Ain't No Picnic: Your Punk Rock Vegan Cookbook" (thanks to the Minutemen for writing such a great song!)
A lot of fun, and doing pretty good, thanks to you all!
Of course, the more the better- so check it out.
And here's a recipe from it...
cut it down if your coffee pot is small

(you can make this one in your hotel room)

1 C. sliced mushrooms
1 head chopped grens
1/2 C. chopped onions
2 minced garlic cloves
2 diced carrots
1 chopped red bell pepper (or mix with green)
1 C. coconut milk
2 tsp. curry powder
salt to taste
1/2 lb. diced tofu or other such thing
a handful of chopped cilantro
1 C. broth or water

Place everything but the water/broth and coconut milk in a coffee pot. Put the pot on the burner.
Add 1 C. water to the tank and turn the bugger on.
After the water has sprayed into the pot, give everything a stir and let it sit for a few minutes.
Add coconut milk and stir and season again.
Leave it on the burner, stiring occasionally until heated through and somewhat cooked (this is good
for veg texture fans). 20 minutes max, less for crunchier.

Or you can our boiling water and coconut milk over it all in a french press, wait 5 minutes and give it
a few pumps, then serve. The veg will be par cooked, which is goode enough!

And of course this fabulous fashion, food and photography cook book
which includes comedy, commentary, quotes and playlists,
photography by Vice Cooler and Dalton Blanco,
contributions from Jesse Luscious, Eric Ingrate, Monica Sklar,
Ilsa Hess (the Nacheez Lady!), Joe Biel, Zack Carlson, Stiff Leggings,
and so much more!
Is available here:

And it looks amazing...see...

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