Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Variety Show in Billings this Friday 03/07/2025

 The Pernicularly Reniculous Variety Show this Friday, March 7th, 8pm at Kirks' Grocery in Billings, MT. 2920 Minnesota Avenue. It's the 51st episode of this zany live variety show. So much fun stuff and great performers. True variety. I'll be doing another wild story with entertaining props and maps. Come if you can, I recommend getting the advance tix via Kirks'. Event link here:

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Trying out the kitchen, still raising funds.

 At Earthbound Cafe: Been doing some menu items and trying out the kitchen. Flow needs some work, stovetop is a banger though! We still need more equipment and improvements to finish out the inspection and get to our opening date- March 17th.

Gofundme link here, anything helps, we are pretty shoestring even between this, loans, and personal money. Would be great to have a liiiiitle room to spare!

Roti is on the menu- I tend to do a yeasted flatbread over the chapati but it's even better! This is chickpea and cauliflower curry, flatbread, spiced potatoes and tikka chutney. Just what Billings, MT needs:

Here's a chopped kale salad with sunflower seeds, radishes, onion, red cabbage, bell pepper and a creamy caesar-like dressing. Will be one for our cold case/grab n go, but also available as a side:

Another tasty cold case salad- tri color quinoa with zante currants, carrots, shredded lemon, Italian parsley and zahter. 

Obviously lemon joshpockets/turnovers/empanadas are going to be a daily in the bakery case... order a dozen! 

It will be nice to make like a hundred joshpockets at a time- I'm really tired of the home kitchen, this is like a dream!
Also being a flatbread maestro, there will be a variety of flatbread accompaniments and pizzas... some normal... some weird. Here we have a red and white sauce blend with serranos and onions. Yes it was spicy!
One way or another, we'll stay on track- this is too good to not happen. Thank you for the support, more to come.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Much accomplished at Earthbound Cafe in Billings, Still raising funds!

 Even though not an all-vegan place, Earthbound Cafe will be much or even mostly. Plus, my baked goods market stand will operate out of here. Not many options for people around these parts, we'll have something for everyone! Still raising funds, everything helps- still have to get a couple of large appliances, racks. gear, certifications, custodial supplies and more. Donate here:

Meanwhile- hey look we were in the paper! Have fun with the paywall but a great article from Lillian Palmer and the gazette:

Meanwhile, got a drain converted to air gap for our prep sink as per the Health Department, got the whole oven working now with a nice repair from Big Sky Heating & Cooling, we removed an annoying internal swinging door which was in the way of the service area and hand washing sink, currently working on some shelving-fixing and improving, I cleaned out the grease trap-it was gross, and I'll spare you the before photo haha! Also, we got our Coming Soon window poster out front upstairs. Much done, much to do. We're hoping for March 17th opening, and we also have an entry in the St. Patrick's Day Parade here in Billings the weekend prior. Help out or share if you can, come when we open, thank you all!